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LLewellin Setter s in the Field!
presented by Jornada Setters breeder of Llewellin setters, La Union, New Mexico.
Beautiful, Sturdy and field worthy
Hey Dennis, I know it's been a couple years since we talked but I just wanted to thank you again for the dog I got from you. Leo has been an absolute joy. He balances out my other dogs so well with his steadiness and bravery. He busts through brush like a tank and has a gait that he never tires in. His nose is superb and in the field he has one thing on his mind but even at 1/4 mile out he's listening for my whistle. At home, he's a perfect gentleman. As you know, I'm a falconer, and I am serious about my dogs. I'm very pleased. Thank you for such a wonderful dog. Jake, in Idaho
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